Parents Reminders

Before the treatment session

Parent SHOULD:

explain to their child about the reason of receiveing CST.


lie to them it is a game or it will be fun because they may know you are lying as soon as the treatment started, treatment session may not be fun sometimes and it will damage their trust on you.

During the treatment

Babies and kids may be crying as they are experiencing some changes inside thier bodies, and may feel some discomfort during the changes.

Parent SHOULD:

stay with them, encourage them to finish the treatment and praise thier courage of doing this hard work.


distract them by toys and other methods to stop them from crying, distraction would greatly affect the treatment effect.

Sometimes babies and kids are so relax and fall a sleep

Parent SHOULD:

turn off the mobile, stay and wait.


talking, asking phone call or keep moving in and out of the treatment room.

After the treatment

Some parents may notice some worsening of thier kids' symptoms after the first few sessions for a short period of time, what commonly seen would be emotional unstable, sleep disturbance, tiredness and decreased attention. It could be much longer for the kids with autism and seizure.

Parent SHOULD:

understand they are going through a process of changes, keep observing their changes and give them enough rest and food. Please keep them on the treatment track, they will improve after this period, stop treatment can only stop their progress.


worry too much as this is a short term normal phenomenon, or punish your kids because it is out of their control.

Symptoms improving

Parent SHOULD:

let them receive treatment until full recovery.


stop treatment before full recovery or decrease the treatment frequency.